7 June | Stockholm – Malmö, Malmö - Copenhagen |
8 June | Stay in Copenhagen |
9 June | Copenhagen – Berlin |
10 June | Stay in Berlin* |
11 June | Stay in Berlin |
12 June | Berlin – Hamburg, Hamburg – Amsterdam |
13 June | Stay in Amsterdam |
14 June | Amsterdam – Luxembourg |
15 June | Longboard through Luxembourg |
16 June | Luxembourg – Paris |
17 June | Stay in Paris |
18 June | Stay in Paris |
19 June | Paris – London |
20 June | Stay in London |
21 June | Stay in London |
22 June | Stay in London |
23 June | London – Toulon (France) via airplane |
24 June | Longboard the "Alpes de Maritime" (France) |
25 June | Longboard the "Alpes de Maritime" (France) |
26 June | Longboard the "Alpes de Maritime" (France) |
27 June | Toulon – Marseille, Marseille – Barcelona |
28 June | Barcelona |
29 June | Barcelona |
30 June | Barcelona – Monaco |
1 July | Longboard through Monaco, Nice and Antibes |
2 July | Nice – Interlaken (Switzerland) |
3 July | Stay Interlaken |
4 July | Interlaken – Liechtenstein |
5 July | Longboard through Liechtenstein |
6 July | Liechtenstein – Milano, Milano – Rom |
7 July | Stay in Rom |
8 July | Stay in Rom |
9 July | Stay in Rom |
10 July | Stay in Rom |
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Our New Itinerary
Sunday, January 14, 2007
With six months left to go, preparations are on the full run.

I am currently writing from a snowy and cold Sweden where the mere thought of longboarding feels very remote. However, Erik and I have instead occupied ourselves by working on our itinerary and contacting local boarders in the cities we are going to visit. We have had some success with this and we have managed to establish contacts in Amsterdam, England and Tuscany. We do, however, need many more so if you are interested in meeting up with us, don’t hesitate to contact us at boardeurope@gmail.com.
We have also ordered the Bible for backpackers, the Lonely Planet guide, “Europe on a shoestring” which hopefully will help us complete our itinerary and find the coolest spots. Although containing more than 1000 pages and having a weight of over 1 kg, I believe that it will prove to be an invaluable asset on our trip (If not, it will at least function as decent pillow.)
We have now also managed to send out most of our sponsor letters and we are pleased to announce to that we have received our first sponsor! The company which makes the renown “skate break” has decided to support us. So creds to them and a big thanks for helping us out! We will now, thanks to you, be able to skate all hills in a safe and efficient manner. Hopefully we will get them in a couple of weeks so we can try them out in our garage.
On Monday, I am going to contact Gainomax to see whether they are interested supporting us. Apparently they spend a huge part their budget on sponsorships. I just hope they see us as sufficiently “athletic”…
…Speaking of our “athletic physic”, our calves are starting to buff up since we have been training them ceaselessly for two months now in the gym. So we are hoping that they, by June, will be strong enough to carry us around Europe.
Oh yeah, we have also spoken a couple of English blokes who are planning on doing the same thing and we looking forward to meet up with them at some point. Check out their site at http://www.bwboardfree.co.uk/. Also, a Swede from Västerås contacted me the other week told me that he and two other guys are planning on doing something similar as well and wondered if we wanted to hook up somewhere along the run. I’m glad to see such an interest, and I’m guessing that we’ll have plenty of company on the way!
Well that’s the update for now, but please check back soon. The blog will be updated more frequently now when we are approaching THE date. Pictures and review of the skatebreak will be posted as soon as they arrive and we get a chance to try them out… So once again, stay tuned...
All the best,