Sunday, March 04, 2007

Le Tricolore - Footage from France

Today I head back to a snowy and cold Sweden...

Feels annoying to do so but at least yesterday I got some cool footage. I found this really amazing hill, ca. 2km from the top to the bottom and a slope of about 10%..

Very nice, I like..

Ps. I look a bit shaky and that's because a few minutes before this was filmed I gave the good ol' asphalt a visit. We exchanged some road rashes but otherwise we are still on good terms...


Jonas said...

I love the idea (read about your journey on silverfish).
Have you been to Germany yet?

Sebastian Andersson said...

No, we are heading over there though. Are you a longboardboarder? We would love to meet up with locals, holla back if you are interested.