Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Berlin BABY!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Interlaken, the place to be!
So far we've indulged ourselves in the "black eagle" high tree rope course, the hardest white water rafting and some hardcore hiking in the alps. We have also been signed up for canyoning but for the last couple of day the full day course has been closed due to poor weather conditions which makes the rivers too harsh and thus prolongs our stay here. We ain't gonna leave until we have us some canyoning!
We also started out longboarding a whole lot around town and some of the surrounding hills. It was all good until we started talking to some locals who kindly let us know that if your caught longboarding on Swiss roads you receive a 1000 sfr (500 €) fine. OUCH. So after that we've only used our newly painted rides for beer runs and grocery shopping.
Next up on the itinerary is Munich, and later Berlin. Our time is slowly running out so we don't know if we'll make it to Belgium like we promised David *sadface*
Be sure to check back in for some nice pics!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
We've just got out of the shower after spending some 24+ hours travelling from split by boat, sleeping on sofas and gambling for dinner... Great success!
judging from what we're paying for our hostel, we wont be hanging out here for long... Our next stop is the Alpes in France.
Tomorrow we're planning a 70km longboarding trip from Florence to Sienna... I can feel my feet acheing already. We've got 1 minute left on the countdown for the internet cafe so BYE!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Split and Hvar
We arrived to Split early last Monday and stayed one night. We felt it was a bit too touristy and we wanted to get away from the sundburned and stomach pouch-wearing tourists. Also after having been ripped off at a yacht club where we paid two days of food budget on one meal. We therefor decided to head over to the island of Hvar.
Firstly, just taking the catamaran boat was an enjoyable experience. Being accustomed to the Swedish archipelago we almost felt at home amongst these rocky and tree clad islands. We had no success in finding the hostels we had put down for our Hvar stay. Lukka's lodge was nowhere to be found and we had to settle for living in a "apartman" with a grouchy old local lady who spoke a mix between Croatian, German and a few words of English. Erik's German skills did come in handy!
On the first day we went out to see some sights. The mountain on which the fortress of Hvar was located was highly hikable and we are starting to wondering about their security measures. As for the longboarding, Hvar has little to offer in the likes of good asphalt. The only boardable spots was the boardwalk around the island which stretched from Hvar town to our rocky private beach. We did get some footage though so we are satisfied.
As some of you might have figured out, Hvar did have a lot to offer concerning the nightlife and bars. Although this, we were disappointed with the club. There was only one open during our stay and it was packed with meat-hunting and boat-owning oldies (Erik almost got picked up by a 35+-year old from Nevada).
Since we couldn't longboard we took interest in hiking. On the Second day we climbed what we perceived as the highest mountain Hvar had to offer. The hike took us about 2 hours and at the top we were treated with a remarkable view of most of the island.
After this exhausting hike we had to replenish our energy storage. With this in mind we went to Groda and ordered the Hvar town-renowned meat steak plate. A week of meat in just one night, that was a lot of protein! We literally broke a sweat by eating.
Enough about that, we are now waiting for the ferry to Ancora, Italy. We are going to go eat the wonderful Ceasersallad at pier here in Split. To sum up our stay in Croatia: good beaches, bad boarding, good hiking, bad clubbing and not a real good backpacking destination. However we loved it and we are leaving good memories and tanned skin.
Yours truely,
Friday, June 08, 2007
What? Statue Park? This is small country of Erde!
This is what happened; We were planning to go visit the statue park of communist leaders. It's located in southwestern Buda and after calculating by the hostel maps we came to the conclusion that it was about 4km away.
We packed up our bags with water and compeed and started pushing. half an hour later we get to the train-station and know we can almost smell the moldy statues from the communist era. We keep pushing but there is no park in sight... After 20 mins we stop and ask for directions since we're completely lost.
A kind hearted man tells us our location on our map and tells us to backtrack and then take a left, we do as he says and after an awesome hill, that kept us rolling for 10 minutes and god knows how far, we come to a ducati store and decide to get our bearings since we have to be close by now.
The storekeeper goes "What? Statue Park? This is small country of Erde!" You'd think there would be borders or at least a sign.
After being lost for about an hour we decided to give up on our plans on the statue park I mean how exiting can a couple of statues be eh? And pushed in the direction we thought was back towards Budapest. That was 3 hours ago. Phew now I'm almost sweaty for writing this much so quickly Sebastian is pressuring me to go out. Well we're off, next time you hear from us we're hopefully writing from Hvar, Croatia! TOODLES
P.S If landyacthz is reading, I'm pretty sure we got you at least 1 new customer here in Budapest, people stare their eyes out on us as we roll down the streets and about 3 hobos have tried to ride em. But seriously we talked to a father who was thinking of buying his son one for his birthday!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Anyhow I'll just have to write it again. So after arriving to budapest airport and reading in the lonely planet guide that Hungarian people all try to scam tourists we quickly judged a kindhearted man and almost blew our shot at some fine metro tickets which he was trying to give to us for free. All we can say is that lonely planet is wrong, hungarian people are all very kind and helpful, the only ones who're out to scam yah are the expensive tourist traps around the main street.
Ok so after arriving to Budapesch and rollin down some fine streets the rain started pouring, there wasn't much else to do except start downing beer (15 kr / pint).
When we came to after drowsing off in a pub we ventured over to the Green
Bridge hostel and were pleasantly surprised as to how clean it was and what good standards the rooms had.
After an awesome nights sleep we woke up to a sunny sky and were quick to eat our noodles and whip out the evos for an unforgettable ride along the banks of pesch. After 10km we had our first pit-stop at a private club, since we were foreigners they let us in even though we were sweaty and smelly. After a cold one and a crazy bus driver, who blocked us on purpose, we headed home. Now we know, Budapesch is city sculpted for longboarding.. Wonderful. Tonight we head out to party on a boat, its supposed to be reeeal hawt..

Saturday, March 24, 2007
Landyachtz: Official Sponsor of Board Europe
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Le Tricolore - Footage from France
Feels annoying to do so but at least yesterday I got some cool footage. I found this really amazing hill, ca. 2km from the top to the bottom and a slope of about 10%..
Very nice, I like..
Ps. I look a bit shaky and that's because a few minutes before this was filmed I gave the good ol' asphalt a visit. We exchanged some road rashes but otherwise we are still on good terms...
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Finally in France
Yes the trip got messed up and delayed and no it should take that long time from Sweden to France.
The plane company messed up as usual, but at least I got here.
Anyhow, the first thing I did was to strap on my randals on my good old motion board and I just now came back from some rad carving in the neighborhood. Feels good to finally ride and the weather is nice. From -15 in Stockholm to +15 in Nice, a welcome change!
Today we launched the updated and improved version of the site with an external photo gallery and some other new goodies such as a new team page were you get to “meet” us (hopefully some more info will added soon). We’ve also decided to engage ourselves in charity. Please check it out ( and if you can, please donate!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The Garage : Revamped
P.S. I've made a few blog changes, to make the videos bigger. Enjoy!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Viva la France
Anyhow, on Thursday, I'll be heading down to the south of France and I'll be able to ventilate the stoke that has been building up in me during the last couple of months. Hopefully, I'll also get together some nice footage from the alps so,
Stay tuned, we promise to be faithful.
Ps. check out the LoadedBoards challenge , join it and get paid to do tricks!!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
A Tribute to Arbor
We blame the falling on the Swedish ice, mind you, it is mighty vicious!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
A day of grief.
Oh, wretched state. You just can't trust people any more.
Yesterday my dear friend Erik happened to leave his board on a train station.
Just for fifteen minutes...
That was enough...
By the time we got back to the station, it was gone.
Well beloved old Arbor Fish, we will miss every last inch of you.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Loaded rocks my socks...
First off I want to thank Pablo and Loaded Boards for sending us the loot and I also want to take the opportunity to praise their stuff. Not only is the t-shirt Eco-friendly, guaranteed sweatshop free and super soft, but it is also a piece of art. Great job on the quality!
Also, I've been a faithful viewer and I've been following his movies for years. I just love watching Adam's inspirational material and now I get to do it in full DVD format along with a handful of beautiful new clips. So thanks for that and I am looking forward to the new movies coming up!
Last but not least, I tried out the sliding gloves yesterday and they proved to be excellent. I was a bit sceptic at first seeing that the sliding plates were so thin. However, I soon noticed that they were very durable indeed and that they probably will able to last quite a while. They are very comfy and all you have to do is to pull of the plates and voila you have a pair of kick ass normal gloves to wear.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Our New Itinerary
7 June | Stockholm – Malmö, Malmö - Copenhagen |
8 June | Stay in Copenhagen |
9 June | Copenhagen – Berlin |
10 June | Stay in Berlin* |
11 June | Stay in Berlin |
12 June | Berlin – Hamburg, Hamburg – Amsterdam |
13 June | Stay in Amsterdam |
14 June | Amsterdam – Luxembourg |
15 June | Longboard through Luxembourg |
16 June | Luxembourg – Paris |
17 June | Stay in Paris |
18 June | Stay in Paris |
19 June | Paris – London |
20 June | Stay in London |
21 June | Stay in London |
22 June | Stay in London |
23 June | London – Toulon (France) via airplane |
24 June | Longboard the "Alpes de Maritime" (France) |
25 June | Longboard the "Alpes de Maritime" (France) |
26 June | Longboard the "Alpes de Maritime" (France) |
27 June | Toulon – Marseille, Marseille – Barcelona |
28 June | Barcelona |
29 June | Barcelona |
30 June | Barcelona – Monaco |
1 July | Longboard through Monaco, Nice and Antibes |
2 July | Nice – Interlaken (Switzerland) |
3 July | Stay Interlaken |
4 July | Interlaken – Liechtenstein |
5 July | Longboard through Liechtenstein |
6 July | Liechtenstein – Milano, Milano – Rom |
7 July | Stay in Rom |
8 July | Stay in Rom |
9 July | Stay in Rom |
10 July | Stay in Rom |
Sunday, January 14, 2007
With six months left to go, preparations are on the full run.

I am currently writing from a snowy and cold Sweden where the mere thought of longboarding feels very remote. However, Erik and I have instead occupied ourselves by working on our itinerary and contacting local boarders in the cities we are going to visit. We have had some success with this and we have managed to establish contacts in Amsterdam, England and Tuscany. We do, however, need many more so if you are interested in meeting up with us, don’t hesitate to contact us at
We have also ordered the Bible for backpackers, the Lonely Planet guide, “Europe on a shoestring” which hopefully will help us complete our itinerary and find the coolest spots. Although containing more than 1000 pages and having a weight of over 1 kg, I believe that it will prove to be an invaluable asset on our trip (If not, it will at least function as decent pillow.)
We have now also managed to send out most of our sponsor letters and we are pleased to announce to that we have received our first sponsor! The company which makes the renown “skate break” has decided to support us. So creds to them and a big thanks for helping us out! We will now, thanks to you, be able to skate all hills in a safe and efficient manner. Hopefully we will get them in a couple of weeks so we can try them out in our garage.
On Monday, I am going to contact Gainomax to see whether they are interested supporting us. Apparently they spend a huge part their budget on sponsorships. I just hope they see us as sufficiently “athletic”…
…Speaking of our “athletic physic”, our calves are starting to buff up since we have been training them ceaselessly for two months now in the gym. So we are hoping that they, by June, will be strong enough to carry us around Europe.
Oh yeah, we have also spoken a couple of English blokes who are planning on doing the same thing and we looking forward to meet up with them at some point. Check out their site at Also, a Swede from Västerås contacted me the other week told me that he and two other guys are planning on doing something similar as well and wondered if we wanted to hook up somewhere along the run. I’m glad to see such an interest, and I’m guessing that we’ll have plenty of company on the way!
Well that’s the update for now, but please check back soon. The blog will be updated more frequently now when we are approaching THE date. Pictures and review of the skatebreak will be posted as soon as they arrive and we get a chance to try them out… So once again, stay tuned...
All the best,